
Publicly available research

Our in-depth, top-down research, including leading indicators, forecasting, thought leadership and client presentations, anticipates trends affecting our business and clients. Located across Europe and in Asia, our Research team works alongside the portfolio, investment, asset management and business development teams covering all markets where Savills IM invests.


US Commercial Real Estate Debt: the land of opportunity

Navigating the convergence of cyclical Real Estate Debt and ESG opportunities in the US Market


Wax on, wax off

Revisiting fundamentals in the Japan multifamily sector.


Outlook 2024: 10 questions for real estate investors

As we look ahead to 2024, we address some of the questions that will drive our strategies in the next year and beyond.


When Cassandra meets Pollyanna: bridging views in APAC real estate

Two much-loved literary characters - Pollyanna, the irrepressible optimist, and Cassandra, the gloomy pessimist.


South Korea 101: Seoul far, so good?

The South Korean real estate market has drawn significant investor attention over the last few years


Zen in the Yen

Japan has traditionally been regarded as a “safe haven” market for global investors. In particular, the multifamily sector is underpinned by solid fundamentals, especially in Tokyo.


Why European Living now?

In our report ‘Why Living is an essential asset class’ (2022) we observed several factors that suggest the Living sector will attract higher allocation amongst investors. As the economic cycle has moved over the last year we revisit to assess if that logic holds and ask: Why Living now?


Australian real estate debt

In this paper on the Australian real estate debt market, we outline why we believe Australia provides an exciting and potentially lucrative market for experienced non-bank lenders who can carefully assess the available opportunities and achieve the optimum risk-adjusted returns.


Real estate debt lending - global whole loan market opportunity

Whole Loans, an established strategy in the US and increasingly adopted in Europe, offer attractive risk-adjusted returns to investors with appetite for slightly higher Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratios relative to senior lending.


Not as easy as A, B, C

EPC rating variance makes consistent and meaningful evaluations and comparisons difficult to achieve.


Residential rent regulations - can there be a fair and balanced approach?

With the cost-of-living crisis focusing minds across the world on an intensifying housing affordability crisis and rising interest rates adding to mortgage finance costs forcing more people into the private rental market, residential rent regulations are becoming a key talking point.


Banking crisis

The bank liquidity crisis in the US and decline of Credit Suisse in Europe have created market uncertainty which could reduce availability of credit for the real estate sector. 


Outlook 2023

In this edition of our annual Outlook, we analyse the real-estate landscape and provide our insights into the issues, opportunities and challenges facing real-estate investors as we head into 2023.  Across geographies and regional sectors, we answer the big questions that investors need to answer to make the best of the bumpy road ahead.


Down a rabbit hole?

2023, the year of the Rabbit, is said to be a year of hope. It is an apt position to take as we navigate the challenges ahead.


The Perfect Storm?

Regulation, market uncertainty and ESG: Opportunities for alternative lenders


Why Living

Shelter or a “roof over one’s head” is essential and certainly shouldn’t cost the earth.


The NEO Economy

The past decade has been transformational for real estate, with rapid changes in demography, technology and society driving change in the industry. 


In need of a makeover (too): Europe's inadequate Industrial & Logistics stock

The rate of urbanisation across the EU has been growing steadily, at an approximate CAGR of 0.45% since the turn of the century.


Forever Young?

The credentials of the Japanese multifamily sector are well documented by now and need no further elaboration.


Read across from America

Average rents now exceed their pre-pandemic levels in all except two of the 69 markets tracked by CBRE (San Francisco and San Jose) with Sun Belt metros posting some of the highest growth spurred by migration during the pandemic. 


2022 Opportunities Down Under

Whilst the narrative surrounding the global economic outlook has taken a negative tone in recent months, we remain convinced about the longer-term prospects of the Australian commercial real estate market.


In need of a makeover: creating value from the UK's old industrial stock

Urbanisation and increasing demand for housing has reduced the availability of urban industrial land. 


Targeting the opportunities for alternative lenders

45% of outstanding commercial real-estate loans are expected to mature in the next two years, rising to 75% by 2026.


Urban industrial & logistics sector set to outperform despite macro headwinds

The imbalance of demand and supply will drive rental growth in the medium-to-long term for the urban industrial and logistics sector. 


Outlook 2022 - Unlocking value in an evolving landscape

Savills Investment Management is pleased to launch the Outlook 2022 report, which features our views on the global commercial property markets.


Thinking outside big boxes

Savills IM report pinpoints new opportunities in European industrial and logistics sector


SIMply Insights: Office incentives under pressure


SIMply insights: further tailwinds for European logistics


SIMply insights: leading indicators point to a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel


SIMply insights: senior care - a strong long-term opportunity


SIMply insights: employment and property - a positive correlation


SIMply insights: rising inflation has implications for property


SIMply insights: UK industrial rental growth - more than just an e-commerce story


SIMply insights: the appeal of Japan's multifamily sector


SIMply insights: will 2021 be a better year for investment volumes than 2020?

In our view 2021 will see a better year for investment volumes, with real estate having the characteristics and fundamentals to take advantage of the secular shift in capital markets. 


SIMply insights: Physical offices are here to stay

2021 will undoubtedly be a challenging year for the office sector as a result of increasing job losses. However, whilst the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend towards agile working, physical offices are here to stay.


SIMply insights: 2021 from the investor viewpoint

Our investor survey emphasises the willingness of global investors to increase their target allocation to real estate again in 2021 in the context of a longer-for-lower interest rate environment.


Financial services firms go Dutch in the wake of Brexit

Financial services firms are looking to move all or part of their operations to the Continent for continued access to the single market, and the Dutch office sector in particular shows resilience.


Strong conviction for Dutch logistics: Brexit creates significant opportunities

Brexit-induced relocations could provide a boost to demand for Dutch logistics space, and we continue to think that larger e-commerce–related sheds as well as urban logistics look attractive.


Outlook 2021: building resilience in global real estate portfolios

The Savills Investment Management Outlook 2021 report features our views on the commercial property markets, serving to help investors build resilience in global real estate portfolios in these unprecedented times.


Senior care: a strong long-term opportunity

Senior care is a strong buy for investors who want to incorporate value-add elements into their portfolios.


Second wave of COVID-19 unlikely to derail economic recovery

As Asia-Pacific flattens its infection curve, the region is set to lead the global economic recovery ahead of others. Over the next five years, the region is set to account for a greater share of global growth, which should support occupancy, rental and return expectations.


Secular trends in Asia favouring logistics: a strong buy opportunity

The logistics sector in Asia-Pacific is expected to benefit significantly from digitalisation and modernisation supported by changing consumer behaviours and demographics.


Is the future of work at home or in the office?

Since the start of the COVID-19 lockdown, some commentators and mainstream media have been quick to predict the death of the office. The reality is likely to be more tempered.


Food retail: a resilient investment income stream and strong buy for core/core+ investors

Supermarkets and grocery stores are relatively immune to economic downswings, are less vulnerable to e-commerce disruption and offer long, inflation-linked leases, among other investment benefits.


China edges towards recovery as global markets absorb COVID-19 shockwaves

Although the worst of the global pandemic has shifted westwards to Europe and the United States, countries across the globe are absorbing the economic shockwaves, and will continue to do so for the near term.


COVID-19 update: risk-off-led sentiment to remain

The retail, leisure and hospitality sectors are set to bear the brunt of the COVID-19 outbreak. Risk aversion is likely to drive some short-term tightening in the credit market, which highlights the importance of secure income streams and reducing exposure to overleveraged strategies.


Outlook 2020: Identifying opportunities in a late cycle

The Savills IM Outlook 2020 report features our views on the European and Asian commercial real estate markests, serving to help investors identify opportunities in a late-cycle environment.


Dynamic Cities - 2019

The Savills Investment Management (Savills IM) Dynamic Cities index assesses cities' longer-term upwards growth potential through statistical analysis using 60 indicators across six categories. This year's study identifies London, Paris, Cambridge, Berlin and Amsterdam as the top five European cities for long-term real estate investment.


Asia-Pacific property market overview Q2 2019

Our Asia-Pacific property market overview provides the latest regional updates regarding the economy, politics, commercial real estate sectors as well as weight of money and yields.


Positioning for income and growth in Asia-Pacific

A slowing global economy and a prolonged period of low interest rates is on the horizon, which poses a challenge to long-term investment. How should investors invest in a low interest rate, low growth environment at a time of heightened risks and global uncertainties?


Outlook 2019

Reliable indicators continue to signal that developed economies have the stamina to keep growing through 2019. The Savills IM Outlook 2019 report features a collection of commentary from internal fund managers and research analysts, highlighting how to navigate the investment market.


Dynamic Cities 2018

Using 60 indicators across 6 subcategories, Savills IM identifies London, Cambridge, Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin as the top five European cities for real estate investment in 2018.


Investing for the next stage of Europe's property cycle - is it time to take risk?

Property cycles are inescapable. Closely linked to the economy, real estate markets will inevitably rise and fall. The key to investing in them is to identify where we are in the cycle and to position portfolios accordingly.


Contrarian view provides for investment opportunities in physical retail

A common view is that physical retail is being superseded by online retail, but we believe that stories about the death of the European high street and retail outlets are exaggerated and influenced by the very different situation in the United States.


Outlook 2018

It is increasingly important to work with a real estate investment manager with the local knowledge and expertise to help investors navigate current uncertain times. The Savills IM Outlook 2018 report highlights the strategies we employ to capitalise on current investment opportunities.


London tops new index ranking Europe's most dynamic cities

Savills IM’s Dynamic Cities index comprehensively measures European cities’ future-proofing qualities across six categories. In 2017, Paris, Cambridge, Amsterdam and Berlin complete the top five.


SIM European Logistics warehousing the future

The logistics business sector is one of the biggest industries in Europe. This Savills IM report explores various structural shifts from which the logistics sector is benefitting, featuring interviews with experts and highlighting key insights into their respective markets.


Dynamic Cities 2017


Savills IM issues 'buy' rating on UK Supermarket property segment

In its latest Research & Strategy flash note, Savills IM highlights how after a period of falling profits, weak balance sheets and operational restructuring, UK supermarkets are turning a corner. 


Research and Strategy Flash Note: UK Supermarkets

Three of the so-called Big-4 UK supermarket operators are reporting improving retail sales, leaner balance sheets and leaner supply chains. Although more needs to be done, these operators’ credit risk has declined enough to justify lower yields.


Savills IM sees attractive yields in Brussels Central Business District

The Brussels office market is one of Savills IM's top European investment picks.


Long term trends support alternative sectors in Europe

Long-term trends in urbanisation and demographics will boost alternative property market sectors, including the private rented sector, student accommodation, care homes and hospitality, according to Savills IM.


European Outlook 2017

In 2017, European real estate markets on average have sufficient momentum to continue to perform well. Our Outlook 2017 paper underlines key themes that will affect European investment markets this year.